The Great Lakes Colleges Association operates the GLCA-TRE (Tuition Remission Exchange) program. The thirteen colleges of the GLCA, along with a number of other colleges across the country participate in the program for a total of 20 institutions. Students eligible for tuition remission because of parental employment at one of the participating colleges may receive tuition remission at one of the other colleges in the Exchange.
Participating Colleges
Albion College Grinnell College St. Olaf College
Allegheny College Hope College Wabash College
Antioch College Kalamazoo College Washington & Lee University
Beloit College Kenyon College Willamette University
Denison University Lake Forest College Wittenberg University
DePauw University Oberlin College The College of Wooster
Earlham College Ohio Wesleyan University
Forms and Information:
NOTE: the three forms below are fillable – please complete online then print, sign, and give to your institution’s TRE Officer. If you open with a desktop version of Acrobat, you can sign it online, and send it without having to print.
TRE Eligibility Form (used to notify schools of eligibility during the application process)
GLCA TRE Enrollment Form (used to apply for TRE once admission decision has been finalized)
Student Status Change Form (used when student withdraws or changes TRE status)
TRE Contacts (for TRE Officers)
TRE Flyer (For HR and TRE Officers)
If you are a TRE Officer and need more information, please email Derek Vaughan at [email protected] or call the GLCA office at 734-661-2350.